Recent Posts

$HOME, sweet $HOME


One of the more enduser-confusing issues with Quassel used to be its storage locations for settings and the backlog. The various platforms Quassel supports handle the storage of configuration much differently. Qt helps us there with abstracting this away, and giving us for example QSettings, which allows for the storage of configuration data in the platform’s native format without having to bother about platform issues. In particular, this means that settings go into the XDG location on Linux...

Embedded Build System Voodoo


Qt has this nice feature that you can embed arbitrary files into your binary, and access these so called Resources via special paths starting with a colon. For the longest time, Quassel has exclusively relied on resources and embedded all its data files, including icons, into the binary. This had the advantage that we could always be sure to find all required files at a certain location and need to provide fallback mechanisms. It also meant that Quassel binaries didn’t need to be installed; t...

I’m going to FOSDEM!


Title says it all. If you want to meet one of the Quassel hackers, you have a chance to find me in Brussels on February 6th-8th. I will make sure to not miss the Beer Event on Friday evening, of course :)

The Review


Since people keep asking us what our view is on the usability review seele recently did about Quassel IRC, I thought I should blog a little something. First of all, it didn’t hit us as a surprise. We’ve been in contact with kubuntu about their plans before, and we’ve ongoing discussions with seele and other kubuntu devs about how to make Quassel suitable for new users, in particular for kubuntu’s main target group. Many things seele mentions in her review have been on our TODO list for a whi...

Quassel - Coming to a KDE4 near you


As my XMas present to our faithful community, I have merged my branch named “kde” into git master a few days ago. As the name suggests, this brings you the long-awaited optional KDE4 integration! Mostly this means that Quassel, with KDE integration enabled, will use your KDE icon and color theme, it gives you editable shortcuts, and - finally - full support for knotify (the KDE notification system). Some more things will probably follow soon. Meanwhile, EgS has been busy pimping the core, ad...